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The Biology Project > Biomath > Rational Functions > Applications > Effective Population Size

Rational Function Applications

Effective Population Size

Problem 3 - Describe what happens to a given population as the number of breeding females increase.

In a population of elephant seals with one male mating with all the females, what happens to the effective population size as the number of breeding females approaches infinity?

Recall that


Nf + Nm = N.





Ne→ 4



Ne→ 0



Ne→ ∞



Ne→ 2
E. Ne→ 1000
F. NeN

Problem 4- Determine the effective population when there are twice as many breeding males as breeding females.

The Biology Project > Biomath > Rational Functions > Applications > Effective Population Size

The Biology Project
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics

The University of Arizona
February 2007
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