The Biology Project > Biochemistry > Introduction to Photosynthesis >

Problem 8: Thylakoid Membranes

During the summer, thylakoid membranes of the desert-adapted creosote bush (Larrea tridentada) have a higher amount of saturated fats, allowing the membrane to remain intact despite high temperatures. Why is it important that the thylakoid membranes remain intact?


The light independent process generates carbohydrates in the thylakoid membranes.


The light dependent process generates carbohydrates in the thylakoid membranes


The light dependent process generates high energy molecules (ATP and NADPH) in the thylakoid membranes.


The light independent process generates high energy molecules (ATP and NADPH) in the thylakoid membranes.

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The Biology Project > Biochemistry > Introduction to Photosynthesis >

The Biology Project
The University of Arizona
December 4, 2001
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