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Exponential Functions

Graphing Part II: Graphs of Transformed Exponential Functions

Nature sometimes gives us problems that cannot be modeled using the basic exponential,

f(x) = a x.

Most look a bit more complicated, such as this function that we will see when we discuss Newton's Law of Cooling:

T (t) = Te + (T0Te ) e − kt

This example illustrates how we often need to transform the most basic exponential function to suit the needs of a specific problem. These graphical transformations include stretches, shrinks, and reflections.

Consider the following mathematical problem:

How would you graph the function g (x) = Ca x, where C > 0?
To answer this, think about how g (x) differs from the base function f (x) = a x. Recall from the TRANSFORMATIONS SECTION that the constant C > 0 vertically stretches or shrinks the graph of f (x).

The figures below show both a vertical stretch and shrink.

Exponential decaying
Figure 1

Exponential growth
Figure 2

Vertical Stretch

g1(x) = 3 · (1/2) x
that has been stretched vertically with respect to the base function,
f1 (x) = (1/2) x

Vertical Shrink

g2 (x) = 1/4 · 2 x
that has been compressed vertically with respect to the base function,
f2 (x) = 2 x.

Common Features of Vertically Transformed Functions

Notice that the y-intercept in each of these examples has moved

from (0,1) for f (x) = a x

to (0,C) for g (x) = Ca x.

Go to A Shodor activity with the capability of plotting data points as well as a function. You can tweak the function to fit the data.

Now let's examine another type of transformation- reflection across the x-axis.

What does the graph of the function h (x) = e -x look like?

Again, ask yourself, "How does the function h (x) compare to the base function
f (x) = e x
?". Recall from the graphical transformations section that the negative sign attached to the x indicates a reflection across the y-axis. Therefore, the graph of (x) = e -x should look exactly like the graph of (x) = x, reflected across the y-axis.

Examine the graphs below.


Notice that the negative sign changes the overall behavior of the graph to the opposite behavior. If you imagine flipping the graph in Figure 3 across the y-axis, the resulting image would look like Figure 4; likewise, if you flip Figure 4 across the y-axis, the resulting image would look like Figure 3.

In this case, the function f (x) = a x represents exponential growth
(i.e. a > 1),

and its reflection, the function g (x) = f (-x) = a -x represents
exponential decay

This makes perfect sense in light of the exponential property (see Laws of Exponents for a review):

a -x = 1/a x = (1/a) x


Other transformations of exponential functions are also possible, and you should treat them as you would treat transformations of polynomial functions.


In the next section we will discuss the implementation of exponential functions as models for various phenomena.

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The Biology Project > Biomath > Exponential Functions > Graphing Part II

The Biology Project
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics

The University of Arizona
December 2005
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