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Logistic Population Model Problem 4


Tutorial to help us answer problem 4.


If we expand the logistic equation as,

deltaN=rN(1-N/K) = -rN^2/K + rN,

we can see ΔN is graphically represented by a parabola opening downward since the leading coefficient is negative (recall r > 0 and
α = 1/K > 0). Thus, the vertex of this parabola represents the maximum instantaneous rate of change of the population. The N-coordinate
(x-coordinate) of the vertex is given by,

-b/2a = -r/-2(r/K) = K/2,

where ΔN = aN2 +bN + c. Therefore, the instantaneous rate of change of the population is maximized when N = K/2 . We interpret this to mean the population is changing (growing) fastest when the population has reached half the size of the carrying capacity of the environment.


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