Founding Support Contributors

The Biology Project was initially developed with a grant from

- The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

and with additional support from

- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- University of Arizona's
  Instructional Computing Grant Program

- Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics,
  University of Arizona

- Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology,
  University of Arizona

Patron ($1,000.00 or more)

- Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics,
  University of Arizona
- Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology,
  University of Arizona
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- The University of Arizona's
  Instructional Computing Grant Program

Benefactor ($500.00 to $999.00)

Supporter ($100.00 to $499.00)

- Anonymous donor
- Steven Cormier, Inherent Systems Inc.

Friend ($50.00 to $99.00)

Fan ($25.00 to $ 49:00)

- Rick James, Ladson, SC
- Miriam Ziegler
, Tucson, AZ
